Christo-Paganism is a set of beliefs held by some neopagans that encompasses Christian teachings. Christo-Pagans may identify as witches, druids, or animists. Most, but not all, worship the Christian God. Some Christo-Pagans may consider the Virgin Mary to be a goddess, or a form of the Goddess. Christo-Pagans typically believe in the divinity of Jesus, and that Christian and neopagan beliefs are not mutually exclusive. Some Christians who convert to neopaganism are hesitant to entirely give up their original faiths, and become Christo-Pagans.

Some Christo-Pagans use rosaries and prayer beads, and pray to non-Christian deities, such as Persephone. Some may also practice ceremonial magic or magick.


Sun - Aquarius Moon - Virgo Rising - Virgo


God - Christian Jesus - Christian Gaia - Earth Loki - Norse

Spirtual type

Reaper\Lost Warlock




Christian Mystic Western Practice Sigilst